Home Sales Module Different Price Levels In Sales

Different Price Levels In Sales


Different Price Levels In Sales

For selecting different prices for an Item in the Sales Order you have to follow mainly 2 steps.
  • Setting Sales Price in the Item Card
  • Selecting price in the Sales Order
  • Setting Sales Price in the Item Card
  1. Open Item Card
  2. Sales –> Prices. This is Sales Price window where, You enter the selling price per unit in the Unit Price field on the item card, but you may also need to set up some individual sales prices for items. You do this in the Sales Prices window, which you find by clicking Sales, Prices on the item card.
    In the Sales Prices window, you can specify the conditions that must be met before a customer can be offered an individual unit price for a specific item when quotes, orders, invoices and credit memos are set up. For example, the conditions can require that the customer is linked to a particular customer price group or the invoice is in a particular currency. They can also contain a starting date and an ending date, between which the sales price is valid, and they can contain a specific unit of measure code. You can also define a combination of the conditions under which the sales price applies. You can set up several sales prices for each item, but each must have a different set of conditions.
    Because a sales price is often a reduced price, you can specify in the Sales Price window whether you also want the program to combine line and invoice discounts when a sales price is offered.
    When you enter an item on an invoice, for example, the program automatically looks in the Sales Price table to see whether it contains a sales price for the item. If it does, the program checks whether the starting date has arrived and the ending date has not. If the conditions are met, the program will enter the sales price in the Unit Price field on the invoice. If not, the program will use the basic unit price from the item card.

For example view following picture..

  • Selecting price in the Sales Order
  1. Open Sales Order(Sales & Marketing–> Order Processing Orders)
  2. Fill the header part as normal.
  3. In the line part first enter an Item number & Quantity , then goto Functions -> Get Price… There you will get the Sales Price window just now we had updated.
  4. Select the appropriate price line and press OK button to apply.



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